
Our annual holiday to Ibiza.. We've been very spoilt with our introduction to this island. Dear friends of ours had a family villa and have been visiting for 30 years. Needless to say little research was required and we were taken to the best spots. We've ventured off piste and have been disappointed so these are our go-to spots over the week we're there to ensure we have a fab time. We either stay with friends in the villa or an Air BNB apartment near Cala Tarida. It's a great beach and the location is close to all of these places.  

Passion Cafe

Our favourite place for brunch is Passion Café in Saint Josep. The food is healthy and amazing and I love the décor. My only gripe is that if you ask for hard eggs you get a hard no...


passion cafe ibiza fleur ward

passion cafe ibiza fleur ward


Shopping - Saint Josep

Salt – Up the hill from Aurobelle

salt boutique Saint josep fleur ward

Aurobelle. Bought a teal and turquoise silk tie died dress from here.. not cheap but I loved the colour and it’s fabulous...


aurobelle dress fleur ward



This is a must. It’s the most magical, colourful, fun and funky shop I can imagine. I dragged the family with me and they loved it. Quirky café out the back for those uninterested in shopping, to perch and drown in the decor. Dolls, chandeliers and religious paintings (tongue in cheek) surround you. You can’t help but smile.  Even the changing rooms have fun titles.. But I think when parking you would have worked out what you are in for..


sluiz ibiza fleur ward sluiz ibiza fleur ward  

sluiz ibiza fleur ward

sluiz ibiza fleur ward


Los Enamorados

This place is very special. It’s a hotel, restaurant with shop that is worth the drive to Portinatx.  Shop has a 70’s beach vibe of vintage and design items ranging from crockery to jewellery, hairy handbags, silk slippers and macramé wall hangings.minimum 3 night stay. I had the goats cheese salad which was delish and all served in chucky wood or pottery. Very pretty setting above the harbour and if you walk around the harbour to the other side looking back at the hotel is equally rewarding. 


sluiz ibiza fleur ward

ibiza fleur ward  

 ibiza fleur ward

Los Enamorados ibiza fleur ward

Los Enamorados ibiza fleur ward

Los Enamorados ibiza fleur ward

Los Enamorados ibiza fleur ward

Los Enamorados ibiza fleur ward

Los Enamorados ibiza fleur ward


Cala Bassa Beach Club

A firm favourite due to it's setting, beach and restaurant. The  windy boardwalk reminds me of Noosa and takes you past shops and sun beds.


 Cala Basa Beach club

Cala Bassa Beach club fleur ward

 Near the beach club is this 'Cave Beach Grotto' - amazing find and provides some shade, snorkelling and privacy for a few hours...

cala bassa grotto cave

 cave beach of cala bassa fleur ward

Favourite restaurant Silla Des Bosc. This is what they serve before you've ordered. 

Best fish and best setting. We eat here after we've hung out at Sunset Ashram (Cala Comte) A hippy dippy love shack bar with cool beats and weathered charm.



silla des bosc fleur ward

Silla Des Bosc map fleur ward

Just to the right of this restaurant is a little bay with great snorkelling. It says don't swim but when the water is this clear..... 

colourful boat ibiza fleur ward


Cotton Beach Club

It's not a cheap night out here but the views say it all. A white washed sunset soaked haven for foodies and lovers.. DJ's play cool relaxed beats and occasionally it escalates to a club feel with most on their feet in between courses. 


Cotton Beach club

cotton beach club


 Time and Space by Andrew Rogers is worth an evening walk at Sunset. Situated to the north of Cala Tarida it's accessible by walking past the harbour at Cala Corral off Carrer Coralmar.

Time and Space Fleur Ward travel blog Ibiza

Time and Space Fleur Ward travel blog Ibiza

La Cueva Cala Bassa

Highly recommend this Itlian restaurant 100m before Cala Bassa Beach. Can’t miss it, on the left as you approach CBBC. Lovely owners allow you to park behind the restaurant if dining and walk to the beach from there.. it will save you paying for parking at CBBC. Pizza is great and inexpensive. Which is refreshing on this island..


la cueva cala bassa

Have you visited any of these places? Please comment and share if this was helpful. Would love to know your favourite spots.

For more reviews please follow me on Trip Advisor:  https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Profile/MrsW007


Fleur x


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