Finally we found it!

Since selling our holiday flat on the beach at Littlehampton 4 years ago, we’ve longed for a replacement. We go for woodland walks most weekends so decided that the next bolt hole would be a country cottage. After a 2 year search we settled on Sussex which we know well and the South Downs are stunning. 

We couldn’t believe our luck given our long list of requirements but in December last year we found the one. Rural, character, kerb appeal, backed onto woods, right size and huge garden. It was too good to be true as our offer wasn’t accepted and we continued the search. 

The Sussex cottage Fleur ward

In March after we’d locked down we found our selves having conversations we would normally not have the time to have. We decided to call the agent and reiterate our offer was still on the table. After some lengthy negotiations we eventually succeeded and got the keys on the 14th August. Not as early as we wanted but we managed to have a couple of weeks over the summer to enjoy it and ultimately work out what we wanted to do in terms of putting our stamp on it. 

The Sussex cottage view from kitchen into the woods Fleur ward

We continue to pinch ourselves that this special cottage is ours. It’s full of character and for now, a paint job is all that’s required. I’m very excited to plan the garden and install a hot tub in the trees at the bottom of the garden, the view into the woods is incredible and imagine being in it over winter with a glass of mulled wine.

Cheese board outside at Sussex cottage Fleur ward

All of the rooms need painting and I had to do the entrance/snug asap due to it being this dead salmon colour I couldn’t live with. I spent a few weekends giving it a white wash and will get the professionals in soon. I’ve ordered the furniture and using my trusted suppliers. I hope to be able to offer the furniture and art for sale through my channels if guests are interested. These antique chairs I bought locally on EBay along with 8 others for the dining room. Love the open fireplace exposing the living area.

 Entrance snug at the sussex cottage Fleur ward

 Please follow the renovation journey @thesussexcottage 

Available to rent soon on Air BNB 




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