Iceland has held a fascination for me for years and when we finally got there in April 2017 it didn't disappoint. It exceeded all expectations and I'm desperate to go back. We sadly didn't see the Northern Lights, Puffins or whales... we'll get to it. but we did get a wonderful family road trip, and hundreds of photos and memories that we'll cherish forever. 

We stayed at Hotel Alda for one night and took in the sights of the high st. (only had a day..) 
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Then set off anti clockwise on our epic road trip. Visited Gamla Laugin - The secret lagoon. Iceland's oldest geothermal pool 
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 Stayed at Icelandair Hotel Fludir  
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Cute accommodation 
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Kerio Lake, we found this to be typical weather... 
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Geyser hot springs. Strokkur, amazing to see. The rain was coming in sideways and I was so cold I had to buy some whaling gear in the souvenir shop, I had to sell Ruby to pay for it but I was dry...
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 In front of a glacier and sporting my new wet weather gear.  solherimajokull 
The most peaceful place I've been. Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon. All you could hear was the pitter patter of raindrops and occasionally a seals head would silently pop up
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Accom: Fosshotel Vatnajokull Hofn
This was the most luxurious hotel we stayed in. Stunning scenery and from the back of the hotel you can see 5 glaciers. 
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The Stunning beach at Reynisfjara
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Such a stunning church in Seyoifjodour
Can you believe how gorgeous this is! Penguins were another 10 days away but this was well worth the drive. 
We stayed in Hotel Snaefell  - Cafe in Hotel Aldan in Seyoisfjorour
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Our accommodation at Vogafjos guest house near Lake Mývatn
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It's a working farm 
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Walk around a Volcano.  
Hverfell and the lunar-like pseudo-craters at Skútustaðir
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Then relax in a thermal bath
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A typical day driving 
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Don't waste your money on going whale watching - £400 to spend 4 hours on a rough boat, colder than you can imagine despite the gear (your feet freeze!) and you get sea sick. There is no equipment to search for whales, pot luck and the worst experience we've ever had. Only reason we went north... 
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Wish I could remember where this lovely restaurant was!! 
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Cool coat rack... 
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The approach to the Blue Lagoon. Very commercial and if you don't have a selfie stick or beer in hand you won't fit in. It was overcrowded with drunks and couples but the restaurant was great.  The smaller hot springs we visited were more authentic and enjoyable. 
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Happy to answer any questions you made have. The memory is a bit fuzzy but have tried to be as accurate as possible. 

The south coast is where the attractions are unless you want to go into the centre and spend a couple of days near Lake Myvatn which we loved. Aside from the Blue church and village of Seyoifjodour there wasn't much else that justified the rest of the round trip. 

I have a link for the itinerary I planned and used. taking us from Reyljavik around the entire island over 10 days, where we stayed, the sights we saw and the distances traveled. I hope it's useful.