Christmas Gift Ideas!
These chic gifts will look great under the tree, especially if they're wrapped in Off Piste wrapping paper! We've tweaked our skiers, and they're sporting some Santa hats for Festive fun!
Off Piste coffee mugs. Love skiing?? This coffee mug will remind you of those winter holidays we can't take right now and transport you onto the slopes, shoop shoop shoop. In 4 colours.
Off Piste Journal. Make notes about your plans for next year... travel tick!
Off Piste Napkins. To ensure your Table top is tip top! Hosting at the chalet? A winter wonderland themed dinner.. get your skis on! I'm so Fondue of these....
For Musicians!
Trays in Band Aide. Elevate your desk or dinner with these trays. Other sizes and designs available.
Nature lovers!
Tea Towels - Tree Tryst. Gender neutral stick figures getting twiggy with it.
Sleeping Eye Mask. Click Click selfie ready even when you sleep..
Laptop Bags in Wired for Sound. Love the 80's? This laptop bags appeals to those who love a throwback. Cassettes, headphones and skateboards for the young or young at heart!
iPad Slip case - in Fan of Junk Red. Love design and travel? then you'll love this! Comes in Red and purple - power colours that say 'I mean business' but if you want it in Choc or Yellow tell me!
Tea Towel in Fan of Junk Yellow. This yellow will brighten up any kitchen!
And the oven glove! No glove, no love...
Aprons in Off Piste
Travel Gifts!
What better way to say 'we're going on holiday' than to give a suitcase!
For more ideas, please go to SHOP and don't forget cards and wrapping!
Fleur x