Working From Home

Working from home. I’ve always done it, have had a home office. Juggled the phone calls and the emails with the school run and laundry. Some companies don’t allow it – thinking that work won’t get done. On the contrary, I think you work longer hours and harder because you can, especially if it’s your business. It can be hard to switch off, there is always something to do right?

In the midst of a pandemic, we are all forced to stay indoors.  Over the last week we’ve all blitzed our rooms and decluttered. I think everyone is spring cleaning right now. Our front living room is full of items for charity or the dump. With the kids being home schooled and husband also WFH we’ve had to address our working situations and bedrooms to accommodate this new routine. My daughter is 11 and wants a new look for her room, including a desk. My 13 year old son has outgrown everything in his room except Lego so a huge throw out was done there. My office went through the biggest cleanse...  I threw out 2 shelves of catalogues (it’s all online and on my supplier spreadsheet anyway) to make room for my painting supplies that were in the kitchen, and the OhhFleur! stock that was on an additional shelf (that didn’t fit) in the office. The mess has basically been moved from one room to another but when the dump opens, our living room will empty! It’s been productive and we’ve enjoyed being all together. Trying to make this a positive thing is key. I don’t want the kids to look back on this as a stressful unhappy time. Hopefully we will look back on this like a weird episode in our lives... ‘The one where we all stayed home’


Fleur Ward Interior Design Office design

This home office was transformed with wallpaper and an upholsterer! The wallpaper is a Cole and Son classic and the pink fabric makes it POP! Desk and chair was clients existing furniture. 

Fleur Ward Interior Design Office design

This long room was a child’s bedroom/ playroom that needed upgrading to a chic home office. I designed joinery in front of the window for maximum light exposure which also widened the room. It discreetly conceals all the desk paraphernalia and printer etc. The wallpaper was from Cole and Son and looks like a Chanel tweed - adding some texture to the room. Chic wall light by @originalbtc This shot was taken before art was hung and upholstered chair arrived but I was so pleased with it I couldn’t wait! .

Fleur Ward Interior Design Office design

A home office designed in a small space will dual purpose. This room became the walk in dressing room / home office. The wallpaper is a fun nod to the other side of the room. This desk is where admin and makeup gets done!

Fleur Ward Interior Design Office design

A home office I designed a few years ago... This was a real case of changing rooms as we had just a week to refit this room. My clients husband was away working and asked his wife to ‘tidy the office’ whilst he was away. We did more than that! Painted, joinery designed and fitted, special certificates and memorabilia framed and hung, furniture and decor arrived and staged. Wish I’d been there to see his face and apparently he was over the moon. We then worked our way around the rest of the house. Such a joy this project was.

Fleur Ward Interior Design home Office

My Office. Painted floors, a Designers Guild Wallpaper and industrial shelving to hold the catalogues etc.. Desks from IKEA

I rearranged my desk during lockdown so I could see out the window and have a backdrop for the zoom calls! 




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