Top Drawer Kensignton Olympia

I had an amazing time at Top Drawer London this week. Met so many fantastic people, received positive feedback and loads of advice.  Wonderful to meet super supportive journalists that want to fly my flag! Thank you to Rooomy, Telescope Style, Mooch and Barbara Chandler.  What was completely unexpected was the number of independent shop owners who were keen on stocking my designs as wrapping paper or greeting cards. Will investigate that route… It was well worth all the effort and I now have a long list of 'to do's!

Loved being involved in a Meet the Maker discussion with The bespoke Brand Designer and the highlight was meeting and making new design friends – my neighbours Emma Benz Art, Oh Sew Home and Lemony Bird, thanks for being supportive and ensuring I looked forward to every day on my feet, and the giggles… x


 Husband help... 

ohh fleur at top drawer 

Getting there... 

ohh fleur at top drawer


Done! Carpet goes down overnight.. 

ohh fleur at top drawer

Day one.

ohh fleur at top drawer

Chatting to Cathy about building my brand 

ohh fleur at top drawer

Is this on...? 

ohh fleur at top drawer

Chatting to Emma.. 

ohh fleur at top drawer

Then we pull it all down and say goodbye.... It's been a hoot ladies xx

ohh fleur at top drawer


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